Tuesday, 26 April 2011
This is the end...
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Easter Sunday (And our last Sunday in Germany D:)
Easter is a huge holiday in Germany. It is celebrated 100000000x more than we do in NZ. Last night I went to a traditional Easter fire where they burn all the old remains from winter. I went with my host family (And Bradley's host family) to Trechwitz to watch. In Trechwitz, they built a huge lighthouse out of wood in the middle of the field then lit it when it became dark. It was amazing to watch but is got extremely hot after 3 minutes...
The trip to Germany has been really really fun and exciting. Many thanks to Frau Zimmer, Frau Ankersmit, and Herr Howell for orginising this trip and doing a really good job of it. I'm pretty sure everyone loved it as much as I did.
See everyone in NZ on Thursday...
Friday, 22 April 2011
20th April
The 20th was the German students last day of school and Easter holidays, so we were allowed to sleep in a bit longer than usual to my delight. About 10am we met at the train station and headed off to the zoo along with some of the German students who chose to join us. The zoo was enormous, and so was the variation of animals they had on display. We all saw a million different birds, monkeys, big cats, elephants, giraffes.....bears, including the popular polar bears, panda bears....they even had sheep and cows in the zoo. Within the massive zoo I managed to get separated from the group for a lengthy amount of time but I found my way back eventually. I spent the time I got lost by somehow walking right into the aquarium and reptile house free of charge without a ticket. It was amazing. For someone who hasn't seen a snake before it was incredible, giant snakes were everywhere pressed up against the glass, also loads of water creatures like stingrays and sharks, heaps of spiders, frogs, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles too. Regretably this side trip of mine prevented me from seeing the polar bears but that was alright. The temperatures were surprisingly high, with the day being over 20 degrees and feeling like the NZ summer, everyone cooked in their usual jeans or maybe it was just me. After meeting up again, sharing pictures of the animals others had missed, we headed home leaving us with around 3 hours to prepare for the slightly premature farewell evening.
The farewell evening was held at a bowling alley, which actually turned out to be a skittles (?) alley. Everyone looked fantastic in the dresses and nice clothes they wore specially for the evening. The events began with the dreaded saying of thank you speeches, all the group was quite nervous. This mainly was from having only been informed about the speeches on Monday morning (the farewell evening being on Wednesday night) and not having much time to write and practise them. Every speech was wonderful and moving, some of the group, audience and teachers found it quite emotional. During my speech I found myself in tears as I thanked my 2 hosts, their families, the teachers.....who without, Meine Königin (Frau Zimmer) in particular, any of this absolutely spectacular experience and magnificent exchange trip to Germany would have never happen... After the speeches, and giving our hosts roses we were called upon to dance the Polka thing to Anne-marie, even with minimal space to move we still managed it. This was followed by the waltz, which some remembered while others dashed to join the queue for dinner, which conveniently was being served. The dinner was a bbq, filling and delicious, I enjoyed the steak especially. At some point amongst the blur of the evening both groups of students sang their national anthems, hopefully the NZ anthem didn't sound too bad.... and not forgetting the NZ and German performances. Johnson and Charlie did a piano and saxophone duet which sounded amazing and the Germans had 3 students playing music and Melanie perform a dance, both were much appreciated and enjoyed. To escape the mosquitos most students then headed indoors and tried their luck at skittles, similar to bowling but it involves a slimmer track and the balls are smaller without finger holes. The night was happy and sad finishing around 10pm.
Tuesday 19th April :)
On the 19th we went to Berlin (again) and did a tour called The Story of Berlin. It was a very interesting tour which included a tour of an unused bunker for a nuclear attack. We arrived in Berlin at 9:45am, but the tour place didn't open until 10am so the lovely Frau Zimmer gave us 15 minutes to wonder around and spend as much money as possible :) I bought some more things for family and friends and @Mr Howell, buying one bag doesn't make me a bag-a-holic xD When the clock struck 10 we scattered back to the tour building and waited for everyone else to arrive. When everyone got back, we congregated to the entrance of the tour and made our ways in. What I saw was amazing but I didn't get many photos because my camera was nice enough to die ): The first room looked like a rave club thing due to the bright colours all over the room, especially the blue lights on the floor. My group and I went into every room and thought they were all well decorated and such. The first 10 rooms on the first floor had a positive energy because of what was in them. One of my favourite rooms was room 13 because of all of the life size sculptures; there was a humongous (sp?) camera that you could walk into and could look through. It shrunk whatever you could see to a miniature size. Once my group and I had looked through the first floor, we discovered stairs with a sign that read ''Tour continues this way'' If you have been with us on this trip, you will understand why we are not a fan of stairs :P As we walked down in a casual pace, we looked at the walls and saw some slow yet subtle differences in the artwork. It started as some innocent pictures of peoples faces, of whom I think were famous people back in the day, but as you gradually went down the stairs the images and artwork started to have a negative vibe. Then when we were nearing the bottom of the staircase, we saw some Nazi pictures and it gave an eerie feel. Walking downstairs wasn't my favourite part of the tour due to the horrible past of Germany and because of all of the Nazi related topics that were downstairs. It was especially not nice to see that some of the glass moving doors (that funnily enough you can't go through) if you looked at hard enough, made the Swastika : / Dairne and I took a little break and sat on some marble seats, and Dairne was nice enough to tell Mr Howell about her funny yet weird dream, about a building catching fire and her and Callum needing to find everyone who was on the trip, Dairne couldn't find Mr Howell and Callum went in the building and brought our Mr Howell, however he had shrunk to the size of someones hand. The look on Mr Howells face when Dairne told him was priceless. After that awkward moment..... we carried on with the tour, I don't really remember much of the downstairs as my memory is a bit off :L << Laughing face. When we came out of that tour, we met up at the front and went on another tour with the Story of Berlin people.
I feel really bad but I don't remember the tour guides name :S But I do remember that she was a very nice and informative. She took us on a 30minute tour of an unused bunker that the West Berliners built as they feared a nuclear attack. We were taken through numerous rooms when reminded me of a concentration camp,due to the limited space and how everything was set-up. All the beds that were there were metal rectangles and you had no blankets or pillows due to the temperature that it would have been if you stayed in there with 3,600 other people. That's right, it could fit 3,600 people O: The rooms that I can remember were the overall room with the 'beds', the kitchen, which I thought was too small for someone or someones to cook meals for 3,600 people, the gas mask room, those masks are REALLY scary :S, the water filter room, another water room.. a water generator room I think it was, and some other rooms. The tour ended with us emerging onto the street after climbing more stairs :P I think that this was one of my favourite days to date due to how informative the tour was and how I could get a feel of how people used to live in constant fear. Danke schön Frau Zimmer!! I really appreciate how much effort and time you have spent into planning such a wonderful trip for a bunch of semi annoying pupils ;) I think I speak for everyone when I say how thankful I am and how thankful everyone is that we have had such an amazing oppurtunity (sp?) and experience in such a beautiful country. :D
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Monday 18 April
An enjoyable day, if I may say so myself =).
Monday, 18 April 2011
Photos from our road-trip
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Salzburg and Munich- Wednesday 13th/Thursday 14th April
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Konigsee and Obersalzberg - Tuesday 12th April
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Sunday, 10 April 2011
On Saturday morning we prepared a bonfire for Saturday night. The rest of the day we mainly just relaxed and didn't do too much which was a relief after a very busy week. That night all the New Zealand students and their hosts plus a couple of Marie's other friends came around for a party and bonfire. The party went well and I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time.
Today(Sunday) I woke up pretty late then after breakfast I went with Marie's family to the "Spagelmarkt"? I think that's what it's called. It's to do with asparagus. It was mainly just a big market/fair thing with lots of people trying to sell off their unwanted junk. However there was also some good food and I had a Bratwurst which I discovered is pretty much just a barbecued sausage like we have in New Zealand. There was also a big forest thing right beside the fair with semi-wild deer and pigs in it. They were fenced off. The forest has a high ropes course in it like the one in that place in New Zealand that I forgot the name of. Hopefully some of the people reading this know what I mean. My host family said they're going to take me there next week which will be cool. I think Abby and Hayley said they did it yesterday. Finally at about 3 some of Marie's friends came round and we had a barbecue then they went home and then I wrote this/am writing this.
So far Germany has been an amazing experience and I'm not looking forward to it ending.
The End.
By Charlie
Oh and I didn't take any photos this weekend so I'm not going to post any photos.
Am Wochenende...
The First Weekend In Germany
On Saturday I woke up feeling quite tired from the movie night at Svens that half our group went to, and i think everyone else that came probably felt the same. I told myself i was in Germany (!!!) and was immediately wide awake and ready for whatever.
At about 11 o'clock my host mother Gabi, my host sister Jessi and i drove to Potsdam for a girls day out ie. shopping. Gabi knew i'd be tired so she set out an easy-going day for me. We went to a mall called Sterncenter and i bought lots of clothes from H&M (hopefully not too much). Jessi and i bought each other matching bracelets that we must always wear to remember each other. :) Afterwards we bought some Jellybellies (which have slightly different flavours here) and a chocolate sundae from McDonalds. I still haven't tried the Magnum McFlurry which i think everyone else is dying to too.
It was five when we got home (oh, how time flies when shopping) and Jessi and i played Wii for a hour. I lost most of the time. :( We got changed for Marie's party but first the whole family and i went to see the Handball game between HV G.-W Werder and Grünheider SV at Ernst-Haeckel Gymnasium. I had never seen handball before and i had lots of fun cheering for Werder. I only saw 20 minutes of it but it seemed like Grünheider was always a little ahead.
Jessi and i left at halftime to go to Marie's party and we arrived fashionably late. It was outside and i was soo glad i brought two jackets and wore both. A big bonfire was set up with tonnes of wood around and awful music playing. There was lots of laughter and everyone got to know each other better. The food was mostly popcorn and salads, and the marshmallows couldn't be toasted as we were getting toasted ourselves in the heat of the massive fire. Overall, good party. :)
We got home at 11 something and i was very "K.O", as they say here. I passed out soon after and was woken up at 9-ish. We had another wonderful breakfast of cereal, a boiled egg, toast, bread and spreads, strawberries and red Christmas tea. Marcel (Jessi's boyfriend) accompanied us for the day.
We had a train to Berlin to catch at 10.20 and we were late. We broke a few speed limits and caught it just in time. We arrived somewhere and got lost for 45 mins in train stations (lol) but thankfully we didn't have any reservations for the day. Gabi and Torsten told us they had a surprise for me and Jessi didn't know either and spent the whole day guessing what it could be.
The first place we went to was Madame Tussauds. I had lots of fun taking silly pictures and learning how the wax firgures were made. Most of them looked really real but some people i couldn't recognise at all. I bought a photo of us all for keepsakes and i even got a wax hand of my own hand made. Marcel and Jessie got one of them holding hands. It only cost €7.50, unlike the bobbleheads of yourself which were €65 a pop. Its pretty cool, although hollow, and i will use it as a jewellery holder. Afterwards we got lost with the trains again for a while but finally reached Mariendorf at some point for the best currywurst in Berlin. We walked past a doner kebab shop that had 50 people waiting in line, and the queue for the currywurst at Curry 36° wasn't short either. Apparently lots of actors and congressmen come to eat lunch there too. All of us ate two currywursts with french fries, sauce and mayo. It was delicious. :D
We caught another train, to Alexander Platz this time, and it was now time for us to know the surprise. I had told the family earlier that a little goal of mine was to go hot air ballooning in as many countries as i could. They remembered this and decided to take me to the Die Welt Ballon (the world balloon) to view Berlin from above. Unfortunately it was a little bit too windy to go up. I was so happy that they thought of taking me that i wasn't even a bit sad that we couldn't.
We decided to go around the corner to visit Berlin's Fernsehturm (TV tower). After buying tickets we had some time to kill before we could go up so we bought some ice cream. I bought one with a flavour i had never heard before, and had no explaination, and also is the same colour as our nz to germany t-shirts. It was called Puffo, and tasted quite like bubblegum. My host family showed me the Weltzeituhr (world time clock) for a bit and then we went up the Fernsehturm.
The Fernsehturm is 40m taller than the Sky Tower and was packed. We could see everything clearly as there hadn't been a cloud in the sky all day and because everything is flat. It was breathtaking to see all of Berlin and more at near sunset.
- Niki.
Friday, 8 April 2011
So today we all headed off to Brandenburg with some of our German homestays and had a tour of the old, old, old....... old city. The history of Brandenburg starts all the way back to medieval times. The city was first inhabited by Barbarians after they had defeated the Roman empire then the city was Brandenburg was taken over by the Slavs. After a period of time, the barbarians (now called the Germans) pushed back and took over the city once again. This kind of fighting kept repeating for a few centuries until Frederik the Great got his great army to conquer everything.
Brandenburg itself was extremely interesting, even though the weather seemed to have disagreed with us. Even though it wasn't really that cold, the wind came along and everyone wrapped themselves in their jackets trying to hide from the wind's terror...
So our day started off as usual at EHG and we as usual walked to the Werder train station and took a train to Brandenburg. At the train station, we were greeted by Frau Wlosnewski (don't worry, I had trouble saying too) and given tourist-y things like maps and information booklets. After drinking my first can of Red Bull we all set off in the direction of St. Peter's cathedral. At the cathedral, we were greeted by the pastor and he told us the history and the story of Brandenburg and of course the cathedral. After that he demonstrated the echo power of the cathedral by singing to us from the crypt. The echo power was so great that we all heard his singing from far away xD. We then had a tour of the cathedral and were shown a lot of the cathedral's awesome features.
We then had a group photo in front of the Cathedral and split up into two different groups. One of the groups went to St. Katherine's Church and the other group went to the Monastery.
At noon the groups got together again and we all went down to the river Havel. Some of us (like me :D) got into canoes and canoed along the Havel. For me it was great fun (even though I was stuck in a boat with four girls that couldn't canoe and we spent half the time zig-zagging everywhere) and by the looks on people's faces, they did too. While some of us were exploring the river, the television crew that had been following us conducted some interviews about our experience in Brandenburg. Hopefully we can get a copy of their story.
We then all went ashore and started egg rolling. The point of egg rolling, was to roll your eggs down these paths and make it to the end of the track without breaking your egg... There were three tracks to roll your egg down and they all had a a different level of difficulty. The great thing about egg rolling was that if you were able to roll your egg successfully down all the tracks, you had to eat them.
Sadly now, it was time to leave Brandenburg. We all packed up and headed towards the bus stop. Everyone was tired and ready to go home but that didn't stop us from getting excited and running for the playground. Everyone rushed for everything and I must admit, this was one cool playground. It had rope swings for four people, a rocking pirate ship and a wierd snake thing that did something. Everyone played on something. Frau Zimmer then told everyone that it was time to go and so we all stopped playing and sadly walked away from the playground. We then turned around to see Herr Howell, Frau Ankersmit and Frau Zimmer playing on the rope swing. Herr Howell slowing down the swing by hanging on to it and dragging his legs on the ground. After that, we all got on a bus, then a train, then... everyone went home.
So... Today, like all other days was fun, there was so much to do and see in such a small place and it was a nice way to end our first week in Germany. On Monday we all head out to Bavaria and spend a week there.
I guess thats all I have to say (Yay)...
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Day 4- Berlin Again!!
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Day 3, The New Palace and Sanssouci
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
The churches in Berlin are very pretty and so old... :) Much better than in New Zealand. We went to site of the burning of the books which was so cool. The memorial is so powerful, it is glass in the ground, and underneath is empty bookshelves. It was right next to the University where Einstein studied. There was a massive teachers strike going on while we were there, which was pretty cool. The teachers in New Zealand should strike like the Germans. :) The tour took a couple of hours and was a lot of walking, but Berlin is not actually that big, I thought it would be bigger. When the tour had finished we went to the Reichstag (German Parliament Building). We had another tour guide here to take us through. It was cool because there was all this graffiti on the wall in Russian that was from 1945 when the Russian soldiers arrived thinking that it was Hitler's headquarters. It was cool to see that they had kept it even though we didn't understand what it said. We then went into the viewing chamber in the parliament building. All the seats were this purple colour which was cool. We then went to the viewing platform of the dome which had an amazing view of Berlin. You could see the Brandenburg gate and the Cathedral and everything from there. Then we got back on the train and went home to Werder. Everyone was tired at this point from all the walking. We all just wanted to sleep. So ah, yeah. That was our day :)
Monday, 4 April 2011
Welcome to Werder
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Arrival in Germany
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Wir sind in Honk Kong
Friday, 1 April 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Trip Program is now online!
For anyone who wants a digital copy, the trip program is now available at:
Monday, 28 March 2011
Plan for the Airport
Wie viele Tage!? Nur vier?! :O
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Tag! Warum ist es so kalt?
Hello from Chris, Sarah and Kelly!
Here is some Greek for you to practise:
Έχετε χάνεται μόλις δύο λεπτά της ζωής σας! :)
Well, other than that extraordinary piece of knowledge, we cannot wait to get on the plane, meet our partners, and eat lots of pretzels!
See you soon!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
![]() |
Thankfully, at this size it's difficult to see the terrifying face that Charlie is making. |
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Bald ist es soweit
Bis demnächst,
Frau Z.