Monday, 28 March 2011

Plan for the Airport

Okay guys this is the plan for just before we leave on Saturday. We can all sing the national anthem several times (i'm thinking 7-10 times) to our families, and then Charlie will lead the waiata. If possible, Johnson will lead the haka at this stage, but this is yet to be organised. Is everyone ok with this??


Hey Guys! SOOOOO excited for germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhh i can blog now :D thanks Herr Howell :D

Wie viele Tage!? Nur vier?! :O

Hallo, Ich bin so aufgeregt, dass wir bald nach Deutschland fliegen! Nur vier Tage ;-)


Wooooo !!! Only 5 days :)

Friday, 25 March 2011


K sorry, my previous post didn't work :(

But if you highlight it it does!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

8 Days!

8 days untill we leave!

P.s I am amazing :P x

Tag! Warum ist es so kalt?

Brrrrr ist es so kalt. Und es regnet! D:


Nur 8 Tage! (:


Hallo :)

Hello from Chris, Sarah and Kelly!

We are all very excited about going to Germany next Saturday!

Here is some Greek for you to practise:
Έχετε χάνεται μόλις δύο λεπτά της ζωής σας! :)

Well, other than that extraordinary piece of knowledge, we cannot wait to get on the plane, meet our partners, and eat lots of pretzels!

See you soon!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Thankfully, at this size it's difficult to see the terrifying face that Charlie is making.
Last night we had a meeting about our upcoming trip to Germany. Packing checklists were reissued for the forgetful while T-shirts and plane tickets were eagerly snatched up by all in a makeshift awards evening. With just over a week before we depart, excitement and anticipation are building. It's like Christmas...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Bald ist es soweit

Es sind nicht mal mehr 4 Wochen, bis wir in den Flieger steigen. Wir: das sind 22 Schüler und 3 Lehrer/innen und wir freuen uns schon sehr auf mehr als 3 aufregende Wochen in Deutschland. Los geht's am 2. April hier in Auckland um 23.59 Uhr und wir kommen am 3. April um 20.30 Uhr in Berlin Tegel an. Ich hoffe, dass hier fleißig geschrieben wird und auch die deutschen Schüler sich zu Wort melden.
Bis demnächst,
Frau Z.